1000 Health, 2400 Mana
Damn right.Also got to level 29. Now I'm going to give WSG another chance before I move on, because I'm not that far away from the rank of Sergeant. In fact, if my PvP ranking honor bar were made of a line of small dots, I would only have to get 1 dot of honor in order to achieve the rank of Sergeant. Very close, indeed.
After that, I might buy the level 30 Sergeant's cloak that provides a healthy Stamina boost, and then level up to 30 so I can wear it.
At the moment I'm considering going to Arathi Highlands for my next zone, as I'm rather sick of the desert look of most zones in Kalimdor. However, it seems that Arathi Highland's NPCs are quite tough, so I may have to go to the Thousand Needles or Desolace instead. To be honest, I'd much rather stay in the Eastern Kingdoms.
I'm going to finish up all my remaining quests in Ashenvale and stuff, such as killing Ordanus. Then I'll venture to a different zone to start off.
Meanwhile, I'm not gonna be able to get into WoW for a week, and I've only got 2 weeks left on my account, so that's just the ghey.
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