Another day, another Infernal attack...
Okay, what the hell is going on? I've had to put up with yet another Infernal attack today, plus the incursion of two folks from the Alliance. They weren't quite as powerful as the recent attacks by that Gnome Rogue... but man, they were ANNOYING! I ran after that human rogue in the hopes of Frost Nova-ing him, so I could beat the crap out of him with my magic, but nooooooo. Some powerful Troll riding a raptor (I had no idea dinosaurs still existed in these turbulent times!!!) comes riding up to me and kills the bloody human with a few shots from his guns. Then we get word a few seconds later of some Night Elves who thought it would be funny to venture down from Darkshore and camp out the Wailing Caverns entrance.At least I made some progress. I still have yet to go to Ratchet, but I somewhat managed to complete a few of my objectives - most notingly the slaughter of at least 20 bloody turtles. I wasn't too happy about it. But it wasn't quite as bad as... well, let's just say I've made a new enemy in the form of the roaming Barrens HYENAS!!!!!! They just don't stop intervening in my fights with other lifeforms or animals. Everytime I get into a brawl with someone or something, at least one hyena somehow appears out of nowhere and joins my adversaries in trying to make me a meal. Not that I'd taste good - I'm a bloody corpse! Not some walking basted turkey... Go eat that human rogue over there... wait a minute...
[1. LocalDefense] Arkaine: its that f***ing human rogue again, heading to Ratchet! Jessex! Go kill it!
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