1.11 Mage Talent Gripe - Official + Unofficial apology to Alliance of Boulderfist
So it's true. Evocation is being replaced by Arcane Resilience.I have this quote from the official World of Warcraft site:
Some of the aspects the class designers will be looking to improve include easing a mage's downtime between fights and opening some new, interesting talent builds through changes to all the mage's talent trees.
Well then. I'm interested. I'm interested in finding out why the hell Improved Arcane Explosion is being changed from Instant AE to Increased Chance of Crit with AE.
I've also noted that these guys are saying that they're "easing a mage's downtime", yet they are replacing Evocation (an ability which gains back a lot of your mana in ten seconds, which greatly reduces your downtime) with a useless talent that gives you a menial amount of armor.
Why do it?
This small increase in armor is incredibly meaningless. Oh look, I can block an extra 5% of damage now. Maybe less. Maybe slightly more. That Rogue's Ambush won't crit me for 662 damage anymore - now it will only crit me for around 611! Whoop-dee-freakin'-doo!
I'm going to reword my earlier phrase about the best mages not getting hit in melee at all:
Sure, in a fight you will take some hits, but your damage output and manueverability as well as your ability to snare multiple opponents at once can actually overcompensate for this! Why spoil it, Blizzard? Now a lot of us are going to have to rethink our strategies and change the way we fight.
Finally, I'd like to apologize fopr my rude generalisations made against the players of Alliance characters on Boulderfist. However, exceptions are still there, and they include those cocky Alliance 60s who stealth and Ambush me for over 1000 damage and then /spit on my corpse, as well as lower level players who /spit and /rude me, because I will then immediately unleash my frozen wrath on them. Also, Trolldotcom sucks considerable ass, and so do any players who reply to a lot of messages both in-game and on-forum with "Cry more" or similar, even if the original message or post was NOT moaning or complaining about something.
Apart from that, I've come to respect a lot of the Alliance players, especially the twinks. I'll make you a deal: you don't gank me in a contested territory, and I'll refrain from summoning reinforcements to kill you. Hell, I'll leave you alone to your questing and you leave me alone to mine. I know it's a PvP server, but at least show some gamesmanship by not taking on players who are at least 20 levels lower than you. It kind of gets irritating to be continually slain by some arrogant 60 who seems hellbent on stopping you from completing a certain quest and even goes so far as to stealth and camp your corpse or wait at the entrance of the instance he killed you in (ie BFD).
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