Because I have no work experience...
That's just ghey.I found out on Thursday, thanks to one of my nerd acquaintances, about a job at Video Ezy. Apparently they were hiring.
Not a nice thing to hear about now, since they would be making the decision THIS weekend.
So I went with my acquaintance, Liam, to town straight after school. He had planned to go into Video Ezy that afternoon to pick up an application form.
Since I had missed out on my opportunity to pick up one at BP (a gas station, duh) earlier this term, I decided to accompany him.
So the four of us nerds/geeks/whatever went one way after school; first James departed from us as we approached the Baptist church nearby. Then, in town David split off to venture over to the town library like he always does, leaving me and Liam to walk over to Video Ezy to pick up the forms.
Oh fie! Turns out they were expecting people to drop off resumes instead. Oh well.
Liam had one lying somewhere in his house - somewhere.
As for me... well... at least he HAD a CV.
My one and only CV was cooked up two years ago in Life Skills (yes, it's an actual class in high school, Year 11's only) for a unit standard. Or was it an achievement standard? Nah, probably a unit standard, doesn't really matter anyway.
Oh, and in case you were wondering what grade I got, I managed to score an Achieved.
That's a C grade equivalent for you Americans.
When I took it home that day, my dad saw it and instantly disapproved. It was immediately obvious he didn't like it. Not one bit.
He made me burn it.
At least I think he made me burn it.
But it did end up burning in the fireplace, so it doesn't matter.
And he didn't like my latest haircut. I actually think it's rather snazzy, and looks good so I don't have to put hair product in it (the complete opposite of what everyone tells me at school).
My dad saw it and instantly disapproved AGAIN! Apparently he hated my "carpet of hair" on top of my comfortable-looking head.
He wanted me to get a haircut like Caleb Reyngoud's.
No bloody way. It's just NOT going to happen.
I've been getting that haircut for years - I had to do something different this time. And it was worth it. Now my acquaintance David will have to stop telling me to put gravel in my hair to make ti look better. And he has stopped rather noticeably already. :)
Problem is: EVERYBODY is telling me that I need to put product in my hair. Wax, gel, cream, you name it. And you should all know by now how annoyed I get at verbal repetition of phrases and sentences. More so, you should all know how annoyed I get when people keep telling me what I should and shouldn't do with my hair.
People were telling me I need to shave my legs for a couple of years back. That ain't happening.
The only thing getting shaved off is my burgeoning moustache, that's only every month or so.
No. Just no. Don't think about down there. Go away and tend to your television if you're gonna think like that. You sick bastard.
Oh right, my job application.
Anywho, back to the subject at hand:
Liam and I trudged back to the town library to see David and so we could play Magic: The Gathering until closing time.
When David came to greet us, the first thing that came out of his burp-hole was, "Oh look, here comes the geek brigade!"
Ain't he just awesome to his mates?
Anyway, we had a few games of Magic between us, and that was it for yesterday.
Today, I went to my dad's office. Now I find it extremely fortunate that he actually owns the business (which he co-founded, by the way :P) which occupies that building, but really, it didn't matter that much.
I had already contructed the beginnings of a CV and emailed it to him straight after I got home yesterday.
Today, when I turned up, he hadn't received it in his Inbox. Lovely...
So I spent the whole afternoon making the CV look good, and adding a bit more stuff to it.
Too bad there's barely anything to put on my CV, seeing as I have absolutely no work experience whatsoever.
See, I'm not even sure I can call it a CV. It's just a piece of paper with information typed onto it and a picture of myself taken this very afternoon.
Unfortunately, ALL OF THE PRINTERS just mysteriously stopped working as I tried in desperation to print my "CV" out so I could get it into Video Ezy before 4pm.
After several hours though, I finally managed to get it printed (in black and white though, so it doesn't look as attractive as it should have), and shortly before coming home I stopped by at Video Ezy to drop off my "resume". *roll eyes*
Turns out a good friend of mine works there already.
Note how I said friend.
So now it is all sorted, and I just hope I get the job, though that's very HIGHLY UNLIKELY due to my distinct lack of WORK EXPERIENCE. :(
Ah well, here's hoping...
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