Serenity Now Funeral Incident - Why It Should Have Been Held Where It Was Held
First off, I'm not trying to state my disgust for the entire thing. I offer my condolences in honour of the person who died in real life, but I'm not here to discuss why the SN guild members who disrupted the in-game memorial should get speared in the arse until they die of massive blood loss.I'm here to discuss why it is moronic of ANY of you (Alliance and Horde included) to simply say why the event shouldn't have been held in a PvP zone on a PvP realm, or even in a game for that matter.
So, why hold it in a PvP zone in a PvP realm?
Obviously, starting a new character on a PvE realm severely limits the zones in which you can hold the service. Do you honestly think it is fitting to hold the memorial in a starting zone like Durotar? Yeah, let's have the service in a frickin' DESERT or a DEAD FOREST. That's visually fitting.
It's much better to just use your main and go to a zone where it is actually fitting in terms of visuals. Darkshore and Winterspring are good examples. Moonglade is another. How about the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale?
Why hold the memorial service in a GAME?
Well, let us consider the players who were a part of the deceased person's guild and enjoyed playing alongside him/her regularly.
Obviously, with any online application, you're bound to interact with people living all over the country, let alone half-way around the world.
So why aren't they allowed to attend a real-life funeral service for their dead friend if they could? Too bad geographical obstacles prevent them from doing so.
So, it is logical that the only way they can properly pay their respects if they wish to do so is to hold one in-game (of course) so that people who are geographically unable to attend the real-life funeral can attend this online one via World of Warcraft itself.
Doesn't that seem logical to you?
Of course, with any issue, there's bound to be at least ten idiots who are willing to voice their moronic opinions (in contrast to everyone else's well-thought and well-built opinions).
Believe it or not, one person actually seems to be bewildered by the fact that people cried in real-life for the deceased player, and without thought or regard to the family and friends (both online and RL) has chastised them all for even shedding a tear when finding out about said deceased person.
Of course, he has chastised them ON THE INTERNET.
Because he's a wuss.
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