Serenity Now Funeral Incident - Why It Should Have Been Held Where It Was Held
First off, I'm not trying to state my disgust for the entire thing. I offer my condolences in honour of the person who died in real life, but I'm not here to discuss why the SN guild members who disrupted the in-game memorial should get speared in the arse until they die of massive blood loss.
I'm here to discuss why it is moronic of ANY of you (Alliance and Horde included) to simply say why the event shouldn't have been held in a PvP zone on a PvP realm, or even in a game for that matter.
So, why hold it in a PvP zone in a PvP realm?
Obviously, starting a new character on a PvE realm severely limits the zones in which you can hold the service. Do you honestly think it is fitting to hold the memorial in a starting zone like Durotar? Yeah, let's have the service in a frickin' DESERT or a DEAD FOREST. That's visually fitting.
It's much better to just use your main and go to a zone where it is actually fitting in terms of visuals. Darkshore and Winterspring are good examples. Moonglade is another. How about the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale?
Why hold the memorial service in a GAME?
Well, let us consider the players who were a part of the deceased person's guild and enjoyed playing alongside him/her regularly.
Obviously, with any online application, you're bound to interact with people living all over the country, let alone half-way around the world.
So why aren't they allowed to attend a real-life funeral service for their dead friend if they could? Too bad geographical obstacles prevent them from doing so.
So, it is logical that the only way they can properly pay their respects if they wish to do so is to hold one in-game (of course) so that people who are geographically unable to attend the real-life funeral can attend this online one via World of Warcraft itself.
Doesn't that seem logical to you?
Of course, with any issue, there's bound to be at least ten idiots who are willing to voice their moronic opinions (in contrast to everyone else's well-thought and well-built opinions).
Believe it or not, one person actually seems to be bewildered by the fact that people cried in real-life for the deceased player, and without thought or regard to the family and friends (both online and RL) has chastised them all for even shedding a tear when finding out about said deceased person.
Of course, he has chastised them ON THE INTERNET.
Because he's a wuss.
"LOL owned"
I'm somewhat irritated by the way Alliance players (they suck hard) post threads/comments entitled "lol owned" as if they just did something hugely important or massively awesome.
Which, 99% of the time, it isn't.
One such asshat boasted about how he so heroically killed a lowbie Horde player for no reason.
Player1 - Level 70 Night Elf Hunter
Hillsbrad Foothills
Another "heroic" Alli boasted of how he "owned" by going south of Ratchet, killing Humar the Pridelord (rare unique cat, highly prized, 12-hour spawn timer) for the sole reason of preventing Horde Hunters from taming it.
For another 12 hours.
Wow. I'm impressed. You're so awesome, except for two things:
1 - You only stalled the taming of it by 12 hours, no problem at all.
2 - Humar is just as much a target to Alliance Hunters as he is to Horde Hunters. You just stopped your fellow faction members from taming it, too!
Some Allis are claiming to have "OWNED" the whole funeral memorial service (I'm referring to the highly known incident in which an in-game funeral for a real-life person's death was moronically disrupted by Serenity Now guild members). They "OWNED" the players who were honouring the dead person.
NEWS FLASH! You didn't own anything. You just made idiots of yourselves and showed the player base that you don't care for anyone.
Note: I am aware that the Serenity Now guild members who disrupted the ceremony didn't actually get the approval of the higher echelons of their guild at all. In fact, it was only a few members who did what they did and I'm pretty sure the Serenity Now guild are just standard Alliance asshats, unlike the massively-up-themselves idiots who did such a stupid thing.
The moral of this story?
Don't go announcing to the world that you OWNED something like you're so awesome when in fact it is a minor thing anyone anywhere could reproduce.
Tirisfal Glades and some freeloading asshat
So I was watching Blues Clues this morning and they were singing about the "Backseat Boogie"...[General][Player1]
stfu you fag[General][Arkaine]
How ironic. The one calling me a fag is the one who is having his period. How else could you honestly explain the massive irritability and rudeness?[General][Player1]
your joke sucked. you failed.
How was I "pwned"? Or is that the only thing you can possibly contribute to this?[General][Player1]
youre a fucking fag!
i mean youre the one who watches blues clues
Ah, so I suppose you haven't heard the term "babysitting"?
Player1 is now being ignored.
Honestly, I don't like wasting my time arguing with idiots, so thank goodness Blizzard invented the Ignore List!
But later on, I unIgnored him. Guess what I found out?
Player1 actually claims to be a twenty-something guy who inherited his dead father's business and claims to have a 6-digit salary because of said circumstances!
Good on him, but I honestly don't know whether to think he's just some moronic kid (like they usually are) as evidenced by his excessive swearing (which shows that he lacks the people skills to effectively run a business) or that he's trying to impress us.
On the internet.
Player wants to duel you
If there's one thing that really bothers me in WoW, it's the way players invite you into groups, duels, or guilds without talking to you first.
Scenario #1I've rushed straight out the Crossroads to the Forgotten Pools, having just activated a speed buff when...
Player wants to duel with you.Hellbender>>
Can I ask you something?Hellbender>>
... just click yesHellbender declines.
I've rushed out the gates with a speed potion and you think it's a good idea to ask me for a duel?!Player>>
fuk yuo!!!Player is now being ignored.Scenario #2I'm doing something - anything - when...
Player is inviting you to join Guild of Fags.Hellbender>>
You think just because I'm guildless, that I wanna join a guild?Player>>
Look, do you want to be a part of our guild or not?Hellbender>>
You know, I'd be more inclined to accept if you had just addressed me first instead of just INVITING me straight away.Player>>
you cunt prick go suck a fat cockHellbender>>
Childish wench.Player is now being ignored.Scenario #3Once again, I'm doing anything anywhere anytime when...
Player invites you to join a group.Hellbender>>
Excuse me, why are you inviting me and what is the group for?*Player doesn't answer AT ALL*
*I decline the invitation.*
Scenario #4 (this one I hate the most)Again, I'm just cruising around doing nothing in particular or questing like a mad man.
[1. General][Player]
LFG RFC/WC PSTPlayer invites you to join a group.Hellbender>>
Why the invite?Player>>
... are you retarded?! Wait until you get a reply in General or a PST before you invite someone dumbarse. And I'm lvl 27, you prick. Do you think I wanna do RFC?!Player>>
At least I "fuck" cunts, you pretentious faggot.Player is now being ignored.
Scenario #5 (this one I don't really mind, though it is slightly unnerving)
I'm either questing or running in the direction of the nearest "town" when... a fellow player attempts to trade with you. No problem - as I'm running away from him (though not on purpose), the trade window merely flashes on my screen. I assume he's trying to whisper or inspect me instead. Meh. I keep running.
Then he runs after me.
He chases a fair distance before I stop and turn to face him.
Trade window pops up.
He offers quite a few stacks of minor health potions for free.
Now, occasionally, at this point I may pop him a small tip but usually I just accept, give him a quick "soz I had no idea you wanted to give me something lol" and resume my own business in a polite manner.
However, I would have appreciated it if he whispered me first with news of his gift. It's not that big a deal though, yet I can't help but feel somewhat nervous when I'm being chased by ANY player, whether it be an enemy paladin, a high level Alliance player on his mount trying to run me down, or a fellow Hordey trying innocently to "trade" me some free stuff.
Especially when they chase you across an entire zone or two.
Zones as big as the Barrens.
Game card's run out
Akin to Comparing Penis Sizes
I'm not going to lie.
I haven't touched my Mage since my last post.
Rather, I've been playing my Feral Druid, Glimmershred.
At level 23, her current level, I was running through Ashenvale toward the Zoram Strand, and had just finished swimming through the Astranaar lake in Aquatic Form when... coming out of the water and continuing to run down the path, I came across a friendly level 28 Troll Shaman staffing the local Furbolg population to death.
At this point, a level 21 Human Warrior happened to run by as well.
Now, instead of doing the safest thing and running past me (although to be fair, I should have stealthed immediately upon seeing him as I was in Cat Form running at 30% extra speed), he actually Charged me. Then, he proceeded to lay waste to me simply by running around erratically, thus sorely desynching my client and rendering me unable to hit him even if it LOOKED LIKE I was able to.
So yeah, I died. Quick rez later, and I'm off to Zoram Strand as usual.
Lately though, I've been playing my Hunter, who is now a healthy level 10. But while leveling him up in Durotar, some idiot player and I got into some sort of argument I can't even remember (on account of it being so minor).
What I
do remember is that afterwards this idiot was on General chat telling me the following:
Moron>> steelsight wat lvl is yur main?
Steelsight (that's me)>> well since I've started playing WoW again, my main's level 23 atm
Moron>> my mains lvl 27 twink
Moron>> hed own you anyday
Steelsight>> What? You think you're more superior as a person just because your char is higher in level and his equipment was provided mostly if not solely by a higher level char of yours?
Player1>> lmao
Player2>> lol
Steelsight>> oh wait, is that how geeks compare penis sizes?
Player1>> ROFL
Player2>> LMAO OWNED
Player3>> WINNAH!!!
But before that, I was actually poking fun at my own name by typing out the following in General:
Steelsight>> I am Steelsight. Steel is my sight, for my sight is steel. Please don't steal my sight Mister Steelsight.
Then, some other idiot just had to respond:
Moron>> you fucking suck you SOB, your not funny so just DIE cocksucker
Player1>> omg
Player2>> wtf so much hate lol
Above moron was stuck comfortably on my Ignore list just a few seconds afterward.
As if I'm going to waste time arguing with stupid people.
Their threats over the internet count for nothing. It's their only way of making themselves feel/seem big after a day of being bullied by bigger people themselves. Frankly, if they're going to act like that, they deserved to get their heads flushed down the toilet and their lunch money stolen. And they most definitely deserve to get bashed in by the more violence-prone jock at high school.