"I witnessed the end of politeness, its name is INTERNET."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwSEXyF1ZMIIn this video, ChristianHillbilly speaks about homosexuality. Normally I wouldn't be very interested in this video, but a lot of you folk have taken to childish name-calling and pathetic insults in an attempt to get whatever point you have across, some of you actually failing to do so.
Since we all know just how the comment system on YouTube works, I've decided to reply to everyone here instead. I feel that a lot of you are being quite considerably rude to this man as he is merely giving his honest opinion. What right do you people have to fiercely belittle him the way you're doing so?
That said, here are my official replies to those of you whose comments caught my attention:
baddogma says: You fat fucking Nazi! go to hell
Well, obviously he is not a Nazi. But what does his weight have to do with anything? Lacking good wit, are we?
BeatBuddy says: Homosexuality per se is not harmful to anyone, but obesity is. He looks like he eats too many pizzas.
Apart from the occasional internal bleeding now and then, I would have to agree with you that it isn't really harmful, not counting venereal diseases, etc. But what does his obesity have to do with anything, eh? Couldn't think of anything else meaningful to say?
brainboy109 says: if you loved them you would understand they aren't diseased. And being gay doesn't cause alcoholism or drug abuse, it is people like you that cause them to that point of stress.
Perhaps, but one wonders if he actually does such things as visibly upsetting civil unions and trying to get certain secular things banned because they offend him somehow. If not, then he isn't one of those people who cause stress to them in the first place.
And I also agree with you that being gay doesn't cause drug abuse, etc.
29032002 says: correct! and being fat is the 'biggest' american disseas, what about that?? greeting from belgium (mannn stay away from those belgian wafelss!! fat bastard!!)
What is it with you people about his weight? Can't find any proper rebuttals, or at least something else to insult him about?
bambithehookergrl says: wow, I am sorry you must not know about gays at all.
Perhaps, you may be right.
baddogma says: Gluttony is curable too!
Oh hello again! I wasn't expecting to see you again, jumping on the "ZOMG HE IS FAT" bandwagon and all.
timboytx says: It's clear you equate homosexuality with sexual promiscuity, and the two are not synonymous. One CAN exist without the other. Homosexuality (like heterosexuality) is not a choice, but promiscuity is. And promiscuity exists among heterosexuals, too.
I pretty much agree with you there. But he was talking about promiscuity WITHIN homosexuality. That was part of his topic.
rcp4mprg says: Did you know that there are over 150 species that have been observed preforming homosexual acts. Some male mammals (bird species) even get a female to lay eggs for them, then they run her off and the two male birds raise the chicks on their own. homosexuality is as natural as nature gets my hillbilly student.
Okay, so according to your faulty logic, we should be allowed to murder, cannibalize, steal, etc because despite these acts being prohibited by actual law, numerous animal species are known to and have been seen doing these things. Think about it for a bit, will you? :P
rcp4mprg says: I believe with all my heart that only the naturally ignorant can take the foolishness of mythical and magical entities to heart. Ghosts, magic, jesus, god, witches, demons, I mean come on, how can you be for real?
Well, at least you've made up your mind. But how the hell can you belittle someone for believing in God in the first place? He has every right to, and religion is a driving factor in the world as it is.
xangelsarah says: ur a fat jerk how dare u talk about people like that ur fat thats the choice u made being gay isnt a choice its what u are and just so u know gluuony is one of the seven deadly sin u pig
Again with the pointing of fingers at his weight. And the "Seven Deadly Sins" are a farce. Sure, stealing and envy are sins, but gluttony isn't. Where did you get that idea?
Okay, so you're apparently pissed at this guy for giving his opinions. I've already noted something here as well: your swearing indicates to me that you lack any real rebuttal to his argument as well as the fact you have poor people skills. Also, only morons type in capslock unless they're doing parodies of said morons. I'm also going to point out the fact that you repeat the same insult, indicating lack of real wit.
Scottishguyusa says: I pity you, you poor, ignorant man.
What, because he's saying homosexuality is unnatural, which it is?
crs0831 says: This clip is the worst on Youtube. How dare it even be posted here?
Easily offended, are we? Do you hate other people giving their opinions on a delicate matter such as this unless it happens to be the same opinion as yours?
2bono2b says: I cried the tears of joy when i read comments! I am so glad i don't need to provide explanation for the inbred in the video! Keep it up guys !!! GO KINSEY!!!
So, let me get this straight: you actually CRIED FOR JOY? I honestly don't know whether to LOL or ROFL about this alone. Also, calling someone inbred for using his freedom of speech to voice his own opinions on such a matter is quite uncalled for and childish.
imgr8usuck says: It scares me to see that there are so ignorant and STUPID people walking this planet! Take your fucking fairytale preachings and shove them up your fat ass!
Awww, someone's easily riled. Hey, guess what? GROW UP. Did you even watch the whole thing?
rparis1022 says: Is it the 2-3 percent of the gay population that corrupts our world or is it the over 50% of divorced straight couples that are corrupting our world? The answer my friend is neither... its ignorance.
Agreed, but this man ain't ignorant. Slightly misguided he just might be, who knows, but definitely not ignorant.
rparis1022 says: how about the heart and other diseases for being food promiscuous. Its obvious that being obese is bad. Glut is a sin. Obesity can be cured and Jennie Craig, not Jesus Christ will be helping you out on this.
Again with the "obesity is a sin" crap. Obesity is NOT a sin. I'd like to know where you got that from.
csh150 says: Ah, I happen to live in southern Alabama, and unfortunately, I am used to hardcore christians talking bullshit like this. I happen to be a erm...minority I guess, because I don't give a shit whether you are bi or gay, we are all people, and who the hell are we to say it's wrong? It's a matter of opinion, really.
Yes, we all have differing opinions of it. I would suggest moving to a place where Christians aren't quite as... forceful and preachy. We're not all the same. But I will not lie: I do believe homosexuality is a sin. Also, if I look at it from a completely secular point of view, I note that the anus was not biologically designed to accommodate the penis, no matter how far into the future we go.
TFM2525 says: One more fucking asshole "Christian" who knows what's best for everyone. Amazing they never seem to be able to leave it up to their God to make the judgements... in fact, isn't that in their instruction manual somewhere? Another reason to ban all organized religion...
Look at China: religion is banned, but there is still a thriving Christian community in that country. You can't stop us. And the intolerance you have is only proving us right.
tommwatson says: Why can't you be cured of gluttony - one of the seven deadly sins?
Again, I've seen NOTHING in the Bible to even suggest that it is a sin.
chuckutubechicago says: this is the same guy that agrees with the KKK
Way to start spreading lies. :P
Phillipos says: You have no proof that your god exists. I definitely do exist. My views are probably a bit more valid than yours as you spend your time promoting an imaginary friend - behavoiour that should have you institutionalised in my humble opinion. Leave the gays alone you bigot.
With that attitude, you are only making us stronger. Not only that, but people have every right to believe in God or a god. You are also reflecting the attitude you believe he is showing. Is he saying homos should be institutionalized? Nope.
aberfitchty says: Once again, glutony is a sin. I have a negative view of that. There's a cure for that too, move away from the computer once in awhile.
As a Christian, I have yet to see anything in the Bible that even suggests gluttony is a sin. Tell me where you got that idea.
manymanycats says: you're a bitch. i'm gay and happy and so is my family about it. i am not a drunk
Way to represent the homos. :P
jgrgr375 says: I don't hate gay poeple, I'm just sick of the one's who throw it in your face and want to make it known to the world that they're gay. You don't see straight poeple parading down the street with straight pride flags??? I think everyone needs to just live life and keep their sexuality to themselves. Noone gives a shit whether your gay or straight!
Damn right. I somehow doubt that anyone really gives a crap about the fact that you're proud of your homosexuality. That's just my opinion.
jsmelser86 says: People who try to stuff religion down others' throats are as disgusting as this fellow makes gay people out to be. If you're gay, be gay. I don't give a shit, and it's not fair for others to. It's not their fucking lives. Grow up you miserable shits. Let people live the way they want to... few gay people throw nasty, hateful comments about people who are straight. Show a little maturity or keep your opinions to yourselves. Gay people aren't hurting anyone.
I completely agree with you, however I don't think that he was trying to force religion down anyone's throat. How can he? You didn't have to watch in the first place. Also anyone who tries to force their lifestyle onto someone else, be they gay or Christian, needs to do some serious logical thinking on their own part.
crazymiles says: This guy is a retard and a closet homosexual.
What, just because he's using what freedom of speech he has to voice his own opinions about homosexuality?
angelsfall56 says: this is just a response to your statements. First homosexuality is not a disease. Being homosexual myself i have a strong opinion on this. Why would god-who creates every person his way- create a person with feeling to the same sex if it was aginst his laws. Im a christian myself and i feel like god still loves me weather or not im gay. But thats just my views. i would like to here a reply from you if u please because i would like to discuss this. thank you.
I agree that homosexuality is NOT a disease. It is a result of sin. And furthermore, you are mistaken in thinking God created you as a homosexual. We are all born sinners in the first place. And yes, He loves you no matter your sexual orientation.
newyorkfan16 says: Your wasted your time and your breath posting up this OFFENSIVE video.
Oh noes! Someone's giving his own opinions that don't agree with the world view. Hang him, etc.
Btw, if you're that easily offended, get off the internet. Life is full of offensive content. :P
tregibbs says: Just come out of the closet already you fat fag!
What, can't find something decent and/or witty to say? Btw, I love how a lot of you are accusing him of being a closet homo. :P
actaylor86: You really need to stay off the internet. Trust me I feel really stupid now. Thank you.
If you feel so stupid, you sir need to stay off the internet. Like it or not, this stuff is always going to be here.
chappychap says: It's very sad that people can still be this ignorant in the 21st century.
Ignorant, I don't think so. Having different opinions to most others does not make you ignorant.
Twiggenz says: Wtf is your fucking problem you fat fuck, most fucking gays arnt drunks, my gay friends are the most sober smart people ive ever ment, you are a stupid fat fucking idiot. Its not a disease you fucker, i want to fucking rip your fucking eyes out( Hail Satan)
Oh dear. *tsk tsk tsk*
So, you've come here flaunting your Satanism, and not only that but the copious amounts of swearing indicate to me that you have no real people skills. Learn to talk properly. The internet is no place to type like an inbred hick.
Hanggud says: A true right-wing intellectual (Read: Moron)
Right-wing does not make you a moron. Forcing it onto people makes you a moron. This man does not do so.
InfidelisMaximum says: You use your book to condemn fat people too? Found a verse you might want to follow through on.
A Ravenous Appetite is Bad: And put a knife to your throat if you have a ravenous appetite. (Proverbs 23:2 NAB)
How wrong you are, using an outdated verse to argue against him (which isn't working very well, might I add). :P
Twigiisays says: obesity is a sin.
Religion is the cause of why this world is fucked up.
Guess what? First of all, obesity ISN'T a sin, and secondly some parts of religion have contributed to the world's current situation but you should BLAME THE PEOPLE BEHIND IT, not the religion. Truth is, not all people in any given religion are the same.
lowsastar says: He seems like a nice guy, and this is just his opinion. At least he doesn't seem hateful.
Completely agreed.
learsiad says: That he actually believes what he is saying is a cross between sad and funny. The "studies" if actually done were prolly done by a christian study group who had their conclusion before they even started.
Homosexuality is evident an about all animal species in nature. One can not say they are against homosexuality and say they respect the design of "god".
But God didn't design homosexuality. It is a result of sin in the first place.
learsiad says: The verse in Isiah that most christians use to put themselves against homosexuals is also followed in the next chapter saying if your children do not obey you they should be killed. How about lets ban homosexuality just after all the fundamentalist kill all their children.
So, using Old Testament verses to argue versus Christians is your calling card? Get up to date, boy, the New Testament is where it's at.
wonderboy121314 says: (*fake cough*) ass hole
I fail to see how he is an asshole, considering he isn't going off on a tangent about how homosexuals should be killed, etc.
saintmarat says: Ok this is to this man personally. Are you a christan? If so, than focus on issues that need focusing... Im gay and VERY VERY happy, not cuz Im gay but because my life is just the way that God wanted it to be.. REMEMBER GOD DOSENT MAKE MISTAKES. If i were to abuse alcohol, and drugs, it wouldnt be because Im gay, it would be because of people like you bringing me down.
Here's an important thing to note: God has decreed that homosexuality is a sin. Nothing can change that. Granted, the whole idea of killing such sinners just like in the days of the Old Testament is now rendered null and void by the New Testament, but that doesn't change the fact that it is still a sin and is completely unnatural. No, God doesn't make mistakes, but He doesn't want you to be gay either. Why would He want you to live in perpetual sin against His very nature?
Pdawg86 says: homosexuality cannot be cured and why would they want to be cured? they're still human asshole And does that mean all men should be cured because there are 10X more men in jail than women? ANd guess what? they're almost all straight Not bashing men Just getting my point across
Yeah but you still called him an asshole.He was just quietly giving his own opinion, and that is not a crime. Is he saying gays should be killed for being gay, and other such things? No.
joenkike2006 says: The typical fat man with a small dick who cant satisfy his woman...I would recommend to get a penis enlargement and get some cyalis....only GOD KNOWS whether your freaking ass is fully fucked right and left..GIVE A BREAKS THIS IS 21st Century asshole
Again with the pointing of the fingers toward his weight, and then the typical "fat man, small penis" insult. What, can't think of anything actually witty? Also, GROW UP.
Okay, I'm done.