A Message Concerning Lonelygirl15 + Intolerance on YouTube
Alright, the news has been out for some time now. Lonelygirl15 is in fact Jessica Rose, a beautiful, budding actress who has just simply shot to insta-notoriety on YouTube.I've been watching some of her videos for some time now on YouTube. She seems nice.
Unfortunately, since the news has come out, people have been regularly spamming her videos with rabid comments.
Here are some below, with my answers:
blondesurferchick: why do they keep making videos even thought everyone knows shes fake?
My answer: They do it because she STILL HAS FANS WHO ENJOY HER VIDEOS! By your logic, let's get rid of all sitcoms, fiction-based films, videogames, fiction-based books, and even most of what's on TV at the moment. If it's fake, let's STOP MAKING IT!
Majpain007: Jesus christ how long is this charade going to last?
Me: It will last as long as the makers want it to last. There are still hundreds, even thousands of fans, so accept it.
Davegunn: God doesn't exist, stupid.
Me: Hey asshole. Don't make yourself look stupid by shoving your atheism (which is also a religion so STFU!) down Christian's throats. They have the right to believe in Christ if they want. There's no need to think any less of them for that.
blackdogstrut: what the hell why is this shit still going on
Me: Because the writers are still doing it and there are still hundreds of fans, numbnuts.
Kaikai778: we hate u go kill urself
Me: You're 41 years old and that's your argument? Wow I think it's time for you to grow up. Seriously.
Ketchupkid87: boring as fuck! get new fuckin material!!
Me: Actually your comment borders on the fence of constructive and worthless so I'm not too bothered by it. We'll see how the storyline goes from here. :)
JanineXthorn: AWESOME!!! I don't even watch this crap anymore...Just click and leave a comment and leave.
Me: That's the exact kind of behaviour I'm talking about. If you don't like it, don't even bother clicking on it, not even to leave a comment. Just accept that it will always have a presence on YouTube for the time being as long as the makers continue to see fit. Otherwise, we might as well campaign to our governments to get rid of all shows we don't like. Now that would be constructive of our time, wouldn't it?
smiths5000: shouldn't they spend $1.6 billion on preventing this type boring sh*t from being posted on their site. google you chumps...keep letting more of this crap on as i guess its what its all about. see what your advertisers think in a year when they see some asshole playing with puppets. her next stop is porn.
Me: No, they shouldn't, because it's a waste of money, and it would ultimately cause a huge significant amount of people to stop using YouTube. I said it before and I'll say it again - LONELYGIRL15 STILL HAS FANS! How many times do you have to have this told to you?! Are you retarded or something?!
rickanderson: i hope someone rapes you
Me: You're an idiot.
Me: You're also an idiot. Hell, let's remove all sitcoms, fiction-based films, fiction-based books, and pretty much everything on TV, Broadway musicals, theatre shows, EVERYTHING THAT'S FAKE! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
randhr2: It is starting to get boring. I was thinking about Unsubscribing to you and Daniel. The story is starting to bore alot of us. =/
Me: Like so many of those morons, you actually assume that you speak for thousands of people. However, unlike so many of those morons, you may actually be right. Which is rare.
wierdwaffle: okay seriously just stop making videos everyone knows you're fake. Game's over okay?
Me: No, game is NOT over. Read what I said to CRASHOVERIDE2006 above.
ChicagoWhiteSoxFan: your a loser girl, get a life, no one likes you
Me: You're an idiot. I'm repeating this several times across different people because it's true. People still like her, so you are WRONG. Asshole.
satinpetal: you so boring talking about youself and your stupid stories.
Me: Well STOP WATCHING THEN! Don't even bother leaving a comment. Ignore the videos so we don't have to put up with one more idiot like you.
Saviosobe: die already
Me: Again, like above, you're an idiot.
airsofter247: life can be amazing,,IF YOU CAN STFU!
Me: That's not going to happen. I guess life won't be so amazing for you after all.
Me: Well DUH! Thanks for the news Captain One-Word Vocabulary!
dropsurflyd: she cant stop, shes been hired to do this, DUUH
Me: Exactly. Folks, this is an example of a person with a decently-sized brain!
bharatpatel89: pills, shots, and diets....weak after a ceremony....yeah, i'm glad i'm an atheist that's for sure
Me: I somehow doubt everyone cares about your atheism.
kereru: if you dont like them then dont watch fucktards.
Me: Exactly! Man, why are you smart people hard to come by these days on the internet?!
nietzcheisdead: oh my god, STOP WATCHING THE VIDEOS IF YOU HATE THEM SO MUCH! NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO WATCH THEM. your brilliance astounds me sometimes, people.
Me: Another example of someone who actually uses his head! OMFG!
tiatiara: You have honestly lost your appeal. :(
Me: That comment isn't so bad. :)
davestown: 500th negative comments
seahonk: hey how good are you at sucking dick ?? talk about that retard
Me: Wow that's awesome. You are so right. Jessica Rose is so damn hot she needs to get into porn and we can all celebrate at the destruction of Lonelygirl15! /sarcasm
backabeautiful: Well... at least they didnt do the really corny thing and have the ceremony on friday the 13th. That would be totally lame.
Me: Hahahaha true that. I'm sure they're trying to avoid it, otherwise what kind of originality would there be in Lonelygirl15's saga?
jerson96: FUCK YOU BITCH!!! FUCK YOU!!!
Me: My, what a constructive comment. I'm sure the producers will thank me when I mail an incendiary device to your house.
derdc69: FUCK OFF!
Me: *sigh* Just read what I said above. And next time, don't click the video, not even to comment. Just ignore it and carry on with whatever the hell it is that you do.
jamesthelegend: she needs my big cock inside her mouth to shut her up
Me: No she doesn't, asshole. Get a life and NEVER click the videos again!
Me: I seriously don't remember anything about a "penies" in sex education.
Nina1992: why are ya still making videos even tho u know everyone knows your 'secret' ??
Me: Fine, by your logic, let's stop making sitcoms, fiction books/films, Broadway musicals and theatre shows, etc. Let's see where life takes you after that happens.
Teleshot: go die u fake whore no one cares.
Me: You make the same mistake the others do, and that's assuming you speak for everyone. Well, you don't. She still has hundreds of fans, kid. Maybe we need to get rid of CounterStrike because despite you loving it so much, it's fake. There's no such thing as an AWP or Bullpup.
greatkioman: *cough*FAKE!*cough*
Me: ... I really don't see how that makes it any bad.
butterfly29: Okay your videos are retarded. Shouldn't you be doing something better with your time? You're just too dramatic!
Me: So from your comment, I've deduced that quite simply, you've watched her videos despite knowing from the start that you don't like them. And yet you think it's a great idea to comment with something as inconstructive as what you just said? Get a life.
boxtop24: not hot, not funny, not interesting, go AWAY
Me: Why don't you go away and concentrate on your own shit?
mike17pk17: SHUT UP!
Me: She's not going to just because you say so.
Kadinski: Is this shit still going? zzzzz. Its a shame the 15 seconds it takes me to slag you off counts as a 'view' because i didn't even watch you. Get a real job, dolt-girl.
Me: Why did you even click on the video if you didn't intend to watch it? Moron.
wkh88: hope you fucking die and get raped and shit, blair witch style
Me: You have problems. Why don't you seek her out and kill her yourself, so you can get raped in prison by your cellmate Bubba?
pirate751: i fucking hate you...you look like "Dondi"...
Me: You HATE her? What has she ever done to you? Seriously if this stuff causes you to hate it, then you need to disconnect your internet conn and go outside or something.
alicatali: you're supposed to have an american accent ho. practice saying "been"
Me: No she doesn't.
thadopeman: so, like, who gives a fuck?
Me: Obviously hundreds of people, you ignorant shit.
WritersBlockPoet: how self-absorbed can one person be - what an attention whore
Me: She's not self-absorbed. It's called a video blog. Get over it.
lustreking: this is sooo fucking stupid
Me: Then don't come back.
theamazingbender: who the fuck allowed attention whores like you to live? oh right...the company, god, JESUS! come down here and send this bitch to hell! she deserves not only hell, but brokeback hell! so does this fake religion and the fake BF and all that crap. Honestly, if the company's a fake, really get banned. cause you're wasting bandwith for the rest of us. people who keep up with this blog, get a life, if all you have to do is sit around on your butt eating a big mac while watching lonelygirl15, then crying cause thats how pathetic your life is, really something is screwed up with you. Thats all i have to say.
Me: Alright, a big one! Okay, point one: You mention her wasting your bandwidth. I say, how did she? You were the one who chose to watch it in the first place. And secondly, just because we take a few minutes each day to watch a video of hers, that does not mean at all that we have no life. A few minutes is nothing. And thirdly, you don't speak for the rest of us, like you think we do. Three words: Hundreds. Of. Fans.
theamazingbender: For the last time, lonelygirl is to hot as george bush is to cool. Which means that lonelygirl is fugly. man you all need some real choice in women
Me: So you return for more? Well I'd say YOU YOURSELF NEED SOME REAL CHOICE IN WOMEN. Asshole.
VampireZIM: wow, 2:50mins wasted. well in all honesty, I skipped ahead, so it was only about 40 seconds lost. I WANT THEM BACK!!!
Me: Well, you ain't getting them back.
Muddyw67: boycott this insult to our intelligence.
Me: Feel free to. Just don't expect to be supported by the hundreds of Lonelygirl15 fans out there.
MapleMaster: fuck u bitch
Me: *sigh* Another moron...
TheLazyEye: This is a fake fucking blog. why are you people still watching it?
Me: Oh, for the love of... I'll leave it up to the readers to decide why that comment was retarded.
Darkshodopan: what kind of sick shit is this
Me: Obviously something hundreds of people enjoy.
sickophil: omg, I appreciate the ole times, when such fuckin teen diaries were kept private!
Me: Well I can only wonder why you watched it, because surely you must truly appreciate the privacy of teens as implied.
chick4real: why does she bore us with her made-up religion?
Me: She wouldn't bore you if you didn't watch.
nirvanaistheshiz: stop making videos.nobody likes you anymore.
Me: You are wrong. Hundreds of people still like her. You have no say in the matter.
smilez616: Oh my god will somebody just make her shutup?
Me: Sorry, but that ain't happening. Hundreds of fans, etc.
PhsychoPandaz: This is way too boring. i used to like her but now i think ill unsubscribe.
Me: Then do it.
vegaspimp: wow, nobobdy cares, I lost a minute of my life
Me: Again, hundreds of people care. It's your fault you lost that minute, not hers.
stesan60: Another lame act. I still challenge Jessica Rose to make her own video of her true life. Every video made on youtube is another piece of wasted time as she is showing that she has not been snapped up for any real acting. She should change her name to losergirl15
Me: And yet you watch her videos everytime they come out. You wasted your own time, kid.
mKone8seven: You're the dumbest bitch to walk the face of the planet.
Me: And you're one of the dumbest pieces of shit to ever walk this earth, considering you watched it in the first place.
killerfocker: fcuk u! u fake mother fcuker mother give up already
Me: Fine. Let's see how well you do without fiction-based books, films, theatre, Broadway, videogames, etc. That is, unless you're an outspoken hypocrite.
BIGNAST: when is she gunna get naked
Me: When she gets into the shower or has a bath. Pervert.
So this took an hour of my time. That's basically my response to the continual morons who bombard Lonelygirl15 with all their shit, yet fail to understand themselves the issue at hand.
I'm gone.